Mario Maze Game

This game needs you to find a larger resolution device.
Hurry up and get to a computer so you can get to playing!

Move Mario

Move Yoshi

Build A Wall

Mario Maze Game

Regular Rules

Goal: Get your player icon to the opposite side of the board. First to do so wins the game!

Setup: Choose one of the five grid tiles in your colored base. This is where you will start.

Turn: Build then Move

  • Building: A wall can be built anywhere on the board except in the colored bases on either side of the board where players begin. To build a wall simply click on a wall space.
  • Moving: Movement is orthogonally restricted to moving one space at a time either up, down, left, or right. A wall blocks movement in that direction. Diagonal movement is not allowed. To move Mario hover on the left (red) side of a grid block then click to confirm the move. To move Yoshi hover on the right (green) side of a grid block then click to confirm the move.

Restrictions: No squares or dead ends! 

  • It is illegal to either block a grid space on all four sides. The top and bottom black borders count as walls. 
  • It is illegal to build a wall that blocks a player from being able to reach the other side.

Alternate Rules

Turn Order #1: Build TWICE then Move ONCE

Halfway: Once either player moves into a grid square in the middle column, BOTH players do turn order #2.

Turn Order #2: Build ONCE then Move TWICE

Building Examples

Valid Build

Restricted Build: No Squares

Valid Build

Restricted Build: No Dead Ends

Moving Examples

Legal Move

Restricted Move: No Diagonal Moves

Legal Move

Restricted Move: Walls Block